Unrepresented voices

The case of Germany

We believe that parliaments should reflect the diversity of society. Introducing a 2% threshold would remove representation from more people than the population of 5 EU member states.

In the German EU Elections of 2019 1.7 million votes would have won 0 seats if the 2% threshold had been applied

Barriers to representation
are barriers to democracy

In the proposed EU election law, a 2% threshold would be introduced for EU elections in Germany. Had this threshold applied for the 2019 elections, around 1.7 million voters would have lost their voice in the European Parliament.

A healthy democracy is a democracy without barriers

We believe that parliaments should reflect the diversity of society. Introducing a 2% threshold would remove representation from more people than the population of 5 EU member states.

What effects do thresholds have on elections in Europe?


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